This Tuesday could be considered terrible, or terriffic. A little back up info: I work Wednesday thru Saturday, which makes my weekend Sunday-Monday-Tuesday. Which means, in effect, I have Sunday Syndrome* on Tuesdays. This is weird for a few reasons. Number One, I still get Sunday Syndrome onSundays. Just conditioning, I think. Number Two, everyone else is in full swing on a Tuesday. Which means none of that lazy, lay about feeling that pervades a Sunday afternoon. No, everyone's just a-bustlin' around, while I am still getting over my temporary, weekly depression and trying to cook enough food to last the four days I'm working so I'm not tempted to order out during my weekdays.
The weekend was weird. Saturday, Mama took me over to my Aunt Peggy's house and we had a mish-mosh dinner that, while delicious, left something to be desired and all I wanted to do was nap. Sunday, Visitation Parish (Honey's Parish) closed, so me and the great-uncles and my mom all went to the last mass. Mixed feelings on this. No, I'm not Catholic, or even christian anymore, BUT it would be nice to denouce them without being kicked off the team first. Just that gay-hating, we've-got-the-only-god thing that irks me a little. Monday was spent with Miss J buying hair stuff and straightening hair, plus organizing this crazy house a little. Tuesday (terrible or terrific?) I watched the movie
Hard Candy (2005). Definitely, everyone who reads this (does anyone?) should see this uber-awesome movie right now and I wish I could do this in real life.Work tomorrow, then a short day, then . . . . TORI!!!! At Shea's!!!!! I am so pumped I decided to use extra exclamation marks. I hope she plays everything from
American Doll Posse.
One the knitting front:
1. I am almost done with the Tyrolean Socks. Now, committing o being a one-project knitter with a low stash, I am so excited to be done with these bitches.
2. I can't find any of my circs, which I put away somewhere neatly where I would never lose them. Which means I either have to:
a. buy new
b. knit the "Falling Leaves" hat for Sarah in dpns
c. turn the house upside down before I find them
I have a few days to rectify this b/c I usually don't knit when I work.
3. I am loving ravelry, esp. since I friended this new girl who looks like as big as me and knits herself lots of stuff. I SOOOOO want a sweater for me but I am SOOOOOO nervous it won't fit and I will def. be swiping some of her ideas for good patterns. This is why I love ravelry, b/c you see people wearing stuff and it's . . . perfect. So, that's research for the future. I, in fact, love it so much that I donated, as should you.
That's it for today. . . lady lover's coming home and she'll need the comp. for school stuff! will edit this post to add pics later, when I can get the camera to love me again.